Welcome to Our New Website!

It’s been a while in the making, but our new/renewed website is now live.  We were at https://khc.sacredwheel.org for many years, but we decided to create a separate presence at https://keepershc.org.  You can still get to the new site from the old and, if you have a login there, it will be preserved on the new site.


The most visible change is the “Resources” page.  Previously, some of what you find here was available only to logged-in members, but we see no reason not to make this publicly available.  You can go directly there with this link: https://keepershc.org/resources/
Of special interest to this group are the items on the Qabala page.  Some will remember our series of classes called  “Journey Into Qabala” held at the Newark, DE UCC Church back in 2011. You can listen to the recordings and see the class materials here https://keepershc.org/journey-into-qabala/.   Also included is a table of correspondences on the 22 Paths of the Tree (https://keepershc.org/paths-on-the-tree/).

Some of these resource pages are works in progress, so keep your eye out for new stuff as I get the chance to add it.

Mark Pemburn